Thursday, January 29, 2015

I stand corrected...and more!

It's the week after the Arise Conference in Kansas City, and here in Poland we are getting ready for a weekend of services. The ladies (Patrycja P., Alla T., and Iza S.) all made it back to their homeland safely! Already the stories we have heard have been tremendous, and our hunger is getting stirred up. Before I go into what happened here in Poland, while they were in the U.S. last week...I need to make a correction.
I stand corrected
So a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that there was no bacon in Poland. Now I knew that there was a ton of pork product everywhere. In fact, it's not so easy to find ground beef. It's there, I see beef products in the store, but it is not America. Usually in America I see some pork products (minus the bacon aisle), and BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF as far as the eye can see. So pretend you're in Poland, and switch it around to pork. PPPPPOOOOORRRRRKKK as far as the eye can see. It comes in the form of kielbasa, cuts of pork ground pork, and etc. However, despite the fact that there is an abundance of pork, there isn't an aisle dedicated to American style bacon. Thanks to people, such as a random Polish blogger in Warsaw, I stand corrected! Yes, there is bacon in Poland, but you have to know how to get it. It's like a secret bacon code or something. You have to know what to say when you go to the butcher, and tell them how much you want (not in LBS). So, I have learned how to get bacon in Poland, and it is different from American bacon. It has a slightly different smell, you have to cut it yourself, but when its on the's bacon!
Also, I'd like to give honor to where honor is due, and that's to my terrific roommate back in the states...Maria Villegas (AKA Marizzle). Maria is managing my home while I'm abroad, and was a total God send. One of these blogs I'll have to share the story about how Maria made it to Kansas City, MO, and stepped into a part of her destiny. Anyways, her, our other roommie (Becky Tuttle...AKA Becky Tuts), and Mrs. Stegner really took good care of me. They sent me via our Polish ladies, books, socks, ranch dressing, pictures of my family, and ziplock bags. Oh yeah! So now I'm sitting pretty with real Polish bacon (cut American style), Ranch dressing, and Ziplocs.
The Stirring Has Begun
Last Friday night, I did a youth meeting in a town called Ustron. It was for the youth from Pastor Marcin's church (Kościół Chwały/Church of Glory). For me it was like stepping back into Firehouse, because it was going to be a night of training. I brought a youth from the church I’m at in Ciesyzn to minister along side of me. He did an amazing job of sharing his testimony about coming alive in God, and maintaining it. I spoke on having an attitude that gets you close to God, out of Matthew 5. You empty yourself of yourself, you realize that God is the most important person, you humble yourself, and you stir up a hunger for God. Then I had the kids begin to exercise what I just preached. These kids are used to being around adults who are strong in the LORD, but they weren’t used to being strong themselves. They were very hungry for God, and we spent time stirring that that hunger. They learned how to cry out to God, how to empty themselves, and how to humble themselves (i.e, God I’m not as great as I thought I was, and I need You). Kids were crying, some experiencing God for the first time, and some were really being stretched.  As we were leaving, the atmosphere in that room was full of God presence. These kids did a great job stepping out of their comfort zone, and stepping into the God zone.
20 mins later, we were back in Ciesyzn, and headed to our Friday night revival service. With the group of ladies from our church being gone, I wasn’t quite sure how the service was going to be. I ended up singing on the praise and worship team (in Polish), and saw God really begin to move. At first people brought the day in with them, and they needed help pushing through. Pastor Slawek grabbed the mic, and began jumping with zeal for God. I had never seen him do that! Then he grabbed a couple other people, and had them pray over the mic. Worship was getting good, and you could feel God’s freedom increasing in the room. Pastor Slawek preached on being a servant for Jesus, but only one person responded to prayer! I was shocked, and God was just burning on the inside of me. Then one middle school aged boy came up, and had tears in his eyes. I had the youth who had gone with me to Ustron pray for him. Eventually that evening, those who were left in the room ended up on the floor crying out to God. This included the pastor; I had never seen him do this before. He lay prostrate on the floor, crying out to God. The people in the room cried out for more of God, and God’s presence was thick in the room. Later that evening I got a text from the pastor’s wife, because she was so stirred she couldn’t go to bed.
After what happened Friday night, we were all hungry for more. We were not going to allow our Sunday morning service to be just a service. We came in ready and hungry. There was a huge increase of freedom during worship, and people were even jumping up and down. Then after the sermon, everyone responded for prayer. Pastor Gosia had really experienced some freedom, and she went through the room praying for all the women. Pastor Slawek grabbed all the men, and had them come together in the front. They gathered together and shouted to God! It was powerful, and the room was full of God’s energy. So I give a big thanks to what happened in the Arise conference, it made a huge difference in our church in Poland. Yes, the Lion has roared, and in Poland… the stirring has begun!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Woman's Conference That Changed my Life

Crown Center Hotel area (Kansas City, MO)

When I was 18 I went through one of the darkest parts of my life. I'm not sure how good I was at hiding it, but I at least put on a good show. January of 2000 a couple came to my church at the time (Word of Grace Christian Center) in Lompoc, CA. They were from World Revival Church out of Kansas City, MO, and I couldn't believe anyone could be as happy as they were. I thought, "Oh, they're just from the Mid-West, that happiness is fake." However, I was completely wrong, and by the third service I was ready to jump in their luggage. Not only was their happiness genuine, but I had been so impacted by their ministry I was ready to leave California for good. I stayed in Lompoc, went to community college, and in May of 2000, I heard of a women's conference in Kansas City. A lot of people, including the leadership of the church had visited the ministry of Steve and Kathy Gray in Smithton, MO. 

At the time the church (Smithton Community Church), which had quarter of million people visit, was moving to Kansas City, MO. They had been in revival since 1996, and lives around the world were being changed. I was so excited to make this trip back east I could hardly contain myself. I had gone to revivals in California, and had even be part of one as a teenager. I was familiar with the move of God, yet I had a strong relationship with the spirit of the world. Because I had lived a double life for so long, that was the main reason my life was so dark. It was taking its toll on me, and a spiritual band-aid was not going to be enough to handle the problem. When my mother and I finally reached Kansas City, I didn't know what to expect. I just knew that these people from Smithton had something I wanted, the presence of God. The women's conference was held at the Crown Center Hotel complex in Downtown Kansas City, MO. When our group went to the sessions, we were all amazed at the teachings by Pastor Kathy, and Adonica Howard-Brown. At one point Pastor Kathy went around praying for the ladies in the room. I noticed people responding, and being touched mightily by God. When she came to me...nothing. Nothing happened, and that got my attention. 

I didn't know what to do, because I was used to God touching me. It bothered me so much, I went to my hotel room alone. I didn't really know how to pray at the time, or how to pray prayers God recognized as prayer. I just knew something wasn't right, and the problem was me. I got down on my face, with my bible open, and asked God, "why aren't you touching me?" I didn't hear a response from God; I just cried. I cried and told God, "what have I done? Something is wrong with me." I had no clue that God was really hearing me, and I was saying the right thing to God. I didn't approach him like, "what's the matter with you God, I'm here, come on?" That night I came to the service hoping for a second chance with God. When prayer time came, I responded. A prayer warrior came in front of me, and began to pray. For the first time all weekend, I could feel God's presence seeping into my heart. It was like He hammered a little crack through the wall that was built over my heart, and he broke in. That little touch changed the course of my life forever. Our group was only able to stay through worship on Sunday, and we were flying back to California. So I was only in Kansas City for less than 72 hours, but it was the weekend that changed my life. I don't know what would have happened if I had refused to attend this women's conference. I do know though that God was up to some good in the lives of many women that May of 2000. He was putting the pieces together behind the scenes to touch and transform lives. I'm just one testimony, think of the other women who had dramatic touches that year.

So this week is the start of the Arise Women's conference in Kansas City, MO. It's not in a hotel, but on the property of World Revival Church. WRC is a place that continues to change lives, and rescue people. We have a group of women from the church in Ciesyzn, Poland attending the conference, and a group from Warsaw, Poland as well. My heart is overflowing with joy, because they get to stand in a place that is so precious to me. Just the other day I got some pictures of the ladies from Ciesyzn standing in the House of Hope and Healing. Our church prayed for the nations to come to that place years ago, and's happening. This weekend God is drawing women from around the world to strengthen, encourage, convict, transform, set free, and equip. Who knows that there is a girl or a woman in the same condition as I was, and this is her weekend to get a crack of salvation in her heart. She might only have 72 hours or less, but I believe this weekend's Arise conference is going to be the weekend of changed lives. 

When I was 18, you would not have looked at me and said, "that girl with the Billabong sweatshirt...yeah that girl, she's going to be a missionary to Poland." My family and I would have looked right back and said, "no way." I was not missionary material, but God had a wonderful plan all along. He is a savior, and his mercy goes deeper than we deserve. I had a wonderful opportunity to attend the World Revival School of Ministry and get trained in how to be a carrier of revival. I went through deep character building, refinement of my personality and priorities, and I broke up with the spirit of the world. I made a commitment to Jesus, and gave my heart to him alone. That in itself was the best thing I had ever done for myself, and for Jesus. He deserved to have a heart that was truly all his. I thank Jesus from the bottom of my heart for the women's conference of 2000, because it was the conference that changed my life. The women's conference of 2015 is going to be extraordinary, and for those who were able to attend they will leave transformed. This is not just a good idea, I know from personal experience, and my faith says so

There is still time to make an effort to get to Kansas City to attend this conference, but there's also another one coming next year if you can't make it this time. We don't know who we could become, if we never step out into God's mercy. Our view of ourselves is completely different from what God sees. He sees us doing great things, and always talks better about us than we deserve. Sometimes we must get out of our comfort zones, and step into the God zone. It's not comfortable, but it is life changing. Do you need a change in your life? What are you doing to make that happen? I would suggest that if you need something bigger than a band-aid you might consider going to a spiritual hospital, and getting truly restored. On the other side is the destiny that has been prepared for you since before time began. Why wait another moment, make plans to step into God's plan for you life this year. You won't regret it!

Inside view of the sanctuary at the View High Campus of World Revival Church, Kansas City, MO
@2015 World Revival Church, used with permission.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

You're Not in Kansas....City Anymore Dorothy

Ever wonder if you could be a missionary to a foreign place, or at least travel the world? The saying, "If I can do it, you can do it," is very true. I bet Dorothy Gale felt like that when her house was dropped in the land of Oz. Besides missing family, I'm sure she noticed a lot of differences. This is one of the great things about being in a foreign land, you notice that you're not in your homeland, and you appreciate what you had. You notice that you're not in your culture, yet your ready to experience everything about this new culture. So really, I think if anyone has a heart to go into all the world, and preach good news, consider what you'll be stepping into. I have absolutely loved being in Poland, and being around the people. I see things that remind me of America, and then I see things that are very Polish. It is the best experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to live a real adventure. Here are a few question and answers I have about being in Poland.

Q: Is there anything that I miss in America or notice that is different?

Oh yeah, there are somethings that I miss, there are a few things that I'm used to having, even if I never buy these items. Just the fact that they were accessible whenever was a nice feeling. So not having them is definitely culture shock for me. Things like salad dressing, especially ranch dressing. They don't have ranch dressing in Poland. They do have packets of dressing, but not a whole aisle dedicated to dressing. Your choices are slimer, and the portions are much smaller. Soooo, I learned how to make salad dressing from scratch. Thank God for Pinterest, can I get an amen? Ziplock bags, who knew that I would miss those! I don't know if they exist in Poland, because my reliable Polish friend stated that you can't find them in Poland. No worries, I'll be like Indiana Jones, and go on a treasure hunt every time I'm in a store. Again, these are things I really don't 'need,' but am used to having around me. Come on, America and ranch dressing go hand in hand, like sandwiches and ziplock bags. Oh yeah, no bacon in Poland! There is not a section at the grocery store dedicated to bacon. That's OK, the Polish love their pork product, so there are alternatives, and items that resemble bacon. Although, I'm sure I could take a translator to the butcher, and could get some bacon prepared. Americans and their love affair with bacon is a real thing. You know you're an American in Europe, if you start missing bacon. I really don't eat pig bacon very often, but just the fact that there isn't an aisle dedicated to it in the store is culture shock! If you can't live without bacon, you may want to reconsider becoming a missionary, or learn how to be a butcher. There are a few other differences about being in Poland, but these items (ranch dressing, salad dressing, ziplock bags, bacon) remind me that "I'm not in Kansas anymore Dorothy."

Q: What has been the funnest experience so far?

I have had a lot of fun being here, but today I had one of the funnest experiences thus far. I drove to the grocery store, and was there alone. I know at this point some of you are doing the sign of the cross, but I was totally OK. Yes, going to the grocery store by myself was the funnest experience so far. People in the store probably thought I was Polish, but I was really an undercover American on a mission! Ladies and gents, start your engines, it's time to shop like only an American can! I walked through Kaufland (it's like the Polish version of Price Chopper) trying to figure out how to read labels in Polish, and grab what I needed for our flat. Success, I found everything on my list, and I headed to the checkout counter. I put my things on the conveyor belt, and an older lady is behind me. I am a polite American girl, and I motion to let her know that she can put her items down behind mine. She is appreciative of my kind gesture, and starts talking to me in Polish. Luckily I have been learning polite Polish, and am able to get away with looking Polish for about 5 seconds. Then my cover is blown when I run out of vocabulary! So, I go to my "I'm an American" card, and it works. They love Americans in Poland, and I'm grateful. I tell her in my best broken Polish that I'm an American with a Russian heritage, and I speak little Polish. In the end I make a new friend, and she is willing to help me complete my shopping experience. She doesn't speak any English, and then tells me in French that she doesn't speak French either. I laugh because I do speak a bit of French, and appreciate how she is trying to find a way to communicate with me. Either way, that was the most fun I have had, and I would recommend going shopping by yourself in a foreign country at least one time in your life. It's a good experience, and a fun one you'll never forget.

Q: How are the churches you're working with doing?

Both churches are doing great, and it has been so good to see everyone. When I came back to the church in Cieszyn, I could tell that there was an impact made. It was also time for what was started to go deeper. In both churches I keep hearing the same message from God, "if you want a move of the Holy Spirit, you must get My house in order." I was just at a leadership meeting in Warsaw, and Pastor Marcin was saying the exact same thing our church had been saying. It was confirmation, encouragement, and good to hear that we are on the same page together. There is a lot of work to be done, but in both churches the people are willing. That is the most important, to have a group of people who are willing to pay the price. Being unified, submitted under leadership, the power of all, and treating God's house with honor are the themes of my messages. Also, being a participant in the Kingdom of God in and out of church is another message burning in me. I am very hopeful that revival will come to Poland, because the people are willing to respond in faith. They want to be taught about religion that produces good fruit, and they want to encounter the real God. Plus, they are the most awesome people to be around.

Next week, we'll have 5 or so ladies from both churches coming to the Arise Conference at World Revival Church. They are so excited, and are hungry. There are a couple who have never been to World Revival Church or Kansas City, and they are in for a treat! I know that they will not come back the same, and I can't wait to hear their stories.

Wrapping Things Up
So that is the latest from the European side of Kansas City, MO. I'm learning a lot about the Polish people. How they think, their history, and what life has been for them after communism. I find out daily that they are the most giving and self-sacrificing people. They put me to shame in the generosity department. I mean come on they survived a world war, and communism. They are used to sharing and caring for one another. They may seem hard, but once you win a win them for life! So I'm glad my 'house' dropped in this land, and I love all the differences I'm noticing. That just makes the journey more special, and makes me value those who I left behind all the more. Dorothy may not have realized her purpose for being in Oz, but it was to destroy the present darkness that was there. She too was there to help restore order, and set the people free. I think that I might be onto something.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who Knew That My Degree Would Come In So Handy!

2008 I went through a difficult time in my life, and not a lot people knew. I went through an identity crisis. I was 27 years old and had reached a point in my life, where I was trying to figure out who I was going to be. I know, I know, I should have had that one figured out when I was 18 or something. I owned my own home, I had the best church in the world, the best family, the best friends, and even a cat named Gigi. However, I felt that if I was going to be a productive member of the Kingdom of God, I would need a fresh direction. I was by trade an administrative assistant. So when the economy hit a screeching halt in the fall of 2008, I began to do some soul searching. I had friends who said I should go back to school, and that seemed to be a great idea. Then I remembered all the people (for years) that would suggest that I become a teacher. I resisted the idea all through most of my 20's, and wanted only to be an administrative assistant. Though when the economy was shaken by the great recession, my job was shaken with it. What seemed to be a tragedy in my life, was actually God's blessing in disguise. It threw me into one of the greatest faith crises of my life. I had to depend on God to provide for me, and help me enter school.

Long story short, I pushed through my education, semester by semester. When I needed food, clothing, shelter, or even pet food, God showed me that He was Jehova Jireh (the Lord who provides). It caused me learn how to call upon the Name of Lord, and get results in prayer. As I saw God step in as my provider, I wanted to respond back to Him. I wanted to show God that I was going to be committed to Him no matter what I went through. I almost never missed a church service due to school, or the Thursday night kids group I was a part of (Firehouse). I always gave, even in the tough times. I know looking back , 2008 was the beginning of God deepening my faith level. Even though I couldn't see God's plan for my life at times, I had one response that kept me going: I will be faithful. I knew I couldn't survive without God, His presence, or His people. So perseverance and faithfulness was the key to making it through school and life.

This past May of 2014 I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education, and was planning on being a teacher. I had been looking for a teaching position since around December of 2013. For some strange reason, the door to teaching in Kansas City, MO seemed to be slammed shut. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that I originally moved to Kansas City, MO to attend the World Revival School of Ministry. It was there I learned what it means to be a minister, and that ministry is simply serving others. I took that training and used it daily at work, at home, and at my local church. In my heart I hoped to someday do something for God in the ministry, but I figured that it wouldn't happen for a long time. So, going back to school would be the answer. When it came time to getting a teaching job, I couldn't understand why the door to teaching wasn't opening. I never dreamed in a million years that God was up to something so good. I mean, He's good, and He gives us the desire of our hearts. However, I had no clue that all along, God was putting me into position to do what I really wanted to do! The desire of my heart was to be a missionary or minister of the Gospel. So when I got to come to Poland to do ministry, it made sense why the doors to teaching were closed. I came to Kansas City to be a minister, and I learned from the best. God had not forgotten me, He had a plan all along.

I think that becoming a teacher was very much a part of God's plan for my life. In fact, one of the jobs I get to do in Poland is be an ESL teacher (English Second Language). I get to teach two little boys (kindergarten level) how to speak English. Who knew that my degree would come in so handy! When God gives you the desires of your heart, He goes OVERBOARD! Just think what would have happened had I given up at some point, or listened to voices of discouragement? That scripture comes to mind, "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord (Jer 29:11a NIV). God does know that plans he has for us, even when the enemy would like us to believe otherwise. He really does have a plan for each person to be and do something great. He even has a plan for provision, and protection over our lives. I think the key to staying within the will and plan of God, is to be faithful to Him. If we are active participants in His church, seeking Him regularly, giving, and in His Word it will not be impossible to walk into our destinies. God wants to set up for greatness, and even in the hard times He has a plan to do us good.

Again, who knew that my degrees would come in so handy, and how set up I was by God. If He is doing this for me, I know He wants to do this for you too! I believe if you're reading this blog post, you are already aware of the plan God has for you. His will for you is easy, He wants to do you good. Wow, what an amazing God who has such a pure and loving heart. I want to encourage you that if you think God has forgotten you, think again. It could be that you're being put in position, to do the very thing you have dreamed about since being a kid. I would shake off any hurt, any discouragement, any doubt, and start declaring a loud that 2015 is going to be your year! Start declaring that God does have a plan for you, and He is putting you in position to do good for Him. Your faith will grow, and so will your hope. Who knows that for such a time as this, that you are at where you are.

There are people that are hungry for a fresh and unique voice, yours to be exact. What are you doing to get in position? Maybe it's going to school, or attending some classes at a bible college. Maybe it is practicing your preaching skills, or learning how to run a TV camera. Either way, the time to be.....(enter what you want to be here) is now, not tomorrow. Ask yourself, "what could I do today, that would position me for tomorrow?" For He knows the plans He has for you, and they are to do you good!

Song of Joseph (Check it out, a song just for you!)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I Don't Think "I Can't" Is In God's Vocabulary

Maybe it shouldn't be in our vocabulary too.

This week was very productive, as I continued to get settled into my new surroundings. God has abundantly provided for me in many ways, so that I could live in Poland. If you were unaware of my situation with my home in Kansas City, MO (The Shalom Home), God took care of that for me. I remember when I wrote down in my journal a list of items that would need to be provided, to enable me to move to Poland. There was no way that I would go anywhere in the world, and leave my responsibilities in a poor state. I needed a renter for my home, someone I could trust, and someone who would mix well with my already awesome roommate.

As it turned out, we were able to locate the perfect person, and she is a great fit for our home. Plus, I was able to pay all the bills prior to my departure. Even the cat had money left for her, so that she could have a bag of food per month.  Everything on that list was taken care of above and beyond. "Well, what about your car Mary?" Oh, the Shalom-mobile, I felt that I didn't need to sell it right now. I reduced the insurance on it, and it has become the "Aldi's" car. In other words, it get's driven a couple times a week by the roommates, and is mainly for going to the local grocery store (Aldi).

So I left my beautiful Shalom Home, and all the items that makes it a home behind in Kansas City, MO. I left pictures of my family, a piano, my guitars, Gigi the cat, and all kinds of personal treasures behind for a greater purpose. I already knew how God takes care of his people, when they step out for him. That is exactly what I experienced as I headed to Poland. I knew that God was not going to throw open the floodgates, and empower a person who was blocked with "I CAN'T." Though for those who are willing to set themselves a part, and fight through "I can't" until it becomes "I can," there is mountain moving power available.

I am very familiar with the voice of "I can't." It's a mixture of self-pity, fear, contentment with the comfortable, and even discouragement. The voice of "I can't" is liar, and is preventing many from becoming who they were supposed be.  The hope we have though is in Christ, because His Word is the truth. His Word is living and active, and it is the final word for our lives. Plus, God is very faithful to keep his promises to us, and the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is going to lead/guide us into what God says about us, and what He has planned for our lives. So yes, there are things that we can't do, but nothing is impossible with God. Especially when He is in the picture of our lives.

I left a beautiful home, and God provided one for me in Poland. I left a fabulous roommate, and God provided another fabulous Polish roommate. I couldn't move the mountain, but God did. The more and more I get to know God, I realize that "I can't" isn't in His vocabulary. He is all-powerful, almighty, always faithful, always good, and always right in what he does. He is more than able, and is unlimited. What I didn’t realize is that we limit ourselves, and how “I can’t” is more so in the vocabulary people.  Sad to say, it becomes an excuse, and our reasoning for staying in the rut. 

So if you ever thought about doing something huge for God, and the response that comes is “I can’t.” Why? Why is “I can’t” truly the reason? Maybe you could, and you just don’t know it. This week I got a Polish bank account, and transformed my American phone into a Polish phone. All things are possible, and they are possible for you! I’m convinced that if God can do it for me, he could surely do it for you too. If you feel the heaviness from “I can’t,” that is not you, and that is not God. Lift up your eyes to God, call upon His name, and remind Him of the dreams you have to do things for Him. Then wait with an expectation, and continue being faithfully rooted in Christ. Besides, hope, and faith feel a lot better than “I can’t.” It’s no wonder it’s not in God’s vocabulary, so it probably shouldn’t be in ours too!