Things are beginning to snap, crackle, pop as I head into my 6th month of being in Poland. For three months, I have been praying hard, and working hard for the church in Warsaw. Let me tell you, they are worth it! They are great people, with huge hearts, and worthy of all I can pour out. I have seen a lot of changes, and have seen the standard being raised in this church. Because the standard is being raised higher, God's presence is increasing. The Friday night services are going deeper, and God's presence is showing up stronger. Pastor Marcin's messages are getting more pointed, and he is stirring up his congregation through his sermons. Last Saturday we had another leaders meeting, and it was one of the best services I had been in. This was a meeting that had pastors from all over Poland attend, and we celebrated a graduation of their school of ministry. There was so much freedom and life, that is caused a breakthrough. The last session we had was like no other. Pastor Marcin called people up for prayer, and the fire of God broke out amongst the people. Leaders were touched, and encouraged. People were opening up, and receiving in a new way. I prayed along side of Marta Wróbel, and the two of us praying together were like a blowtorch. It got incredibly more powerful though when we stood near Pastor Marcin! God was really able to breakthrough, and it has started something in this church. Even on Sunday morning, you could feel something stirring, and the same thing happened again when Pastor Marcin called people forward for prayer. This is what I had been praying for, for three months.
My hope for a nationwide revival was struck! Not just a good idea, or a passion in my heart. Hope has the power to change everything, so let everything change. Poland, to my knowledge has never had a true revival. I'm talking about on the level of the great awakenings that happened in America, the Welsh Revival, or even the Azusa Street Revival. Poland has had touches of a move of God, but has not been the hotbed for revival. A revival that can shut down bars, change politics, change whole societies, bring in the lost, and sweep over an entire country. England and America are known for such spiritual activity, and even Argentina and Canada have hosted great revivals. However, who of you (that are revival historians) can tell me about the great revival of Romania, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, or other Eastern European nations? I'm not saying that God has NEVER moved in these countries, but they have not been the hotbeds of revival.
This is my dream that these Eastern European nations get consumed with a real revival that cannot be stopped. I'm sorry, but I won't take no for an answer on this. "I can't," or "that's too big", do not fit the shoes of faith. If God has leaders that are willing to lead, willing to pastor a move of God, willing to birth it out in prayer, and the people are willing to carry it. All things are possible. There are people and there are pastors who are hungry and willing. Unfortunately, there are people and there are leaders who are not willing. For those who are willing not only to host it, but to carry it. They will be the history makers, and the ones to be remembered by future generations. To those who resisted it and refused, well, we will never know who they are. They're getting their reward now, and missing out on the one they could have had. So those of you who are praying for these churches in Poland, thank you. Thank you for taking time to be a history maker yourself. These countries desperately need a move of God, and I believe one is breaking out right here in Poland.
In other news, I'll be heading back down to my dear friends in Ciesyzn for two months. I leave Warsaw next Tuesday, and will be back to help push things even deeper. I'll have lots of updates for those of you who follow the blog, because I'm expecting great things to take place. Let Poland Arise!
New Church of Glory Music Video (Całe Stworzenie Wiebli Cię: All Creation Worships You)
*Disclaimer: This is the Polish version, the English version is coming soon!

This is my blog, personal story, online journal of my adventure to Poland. Stay caught up with the latest news, testimonies, pictures, and more! I'll be posting up to date information on what God is doing through me, and through those I'm with! It's time for Poland and its people to arise in God, and everything He has planned for them. There's no better time to arise than now!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
When God Gives You The Desire Of Your Heart
Ever since I knew what the word “England” was, I’ve wanted
to travel to the United Kingdom. My friends and family who are close to me,
know this to be true. I’ve watched enough British shows, and movies to map out
the places I even wanted to visit. However, the crown jewel of all the cities
in the UK was London. A couple of weeks ago I had prayed in my room, and asked
God if I could go to London for my birthday. It wasn’t but days after that
prayer did I receive a call, letting me know that I was gifted with a trip to
London for my birthday. Trust me, I was excited about that call, and almost
couldn’t believe that I was going. This was completely a ‘God-thing,’ because
it came out of left field. On top of it all, the provision that began to come
in for this trip blew me away. I received a love offering for my birthday from
someone, my mom sent me money to go shopping for clothes, an anonymous person
sent me 500.00 złoty’s, and my ticket was completely paid for. Plus, on top of
it I was going to spend time with my new friend Pastor Nobin Samson, and his
beautiful wife Kay. Pastor Nobin pastors a church in London called New Dawn,
and he would be taking care of me while I was there. Pastor Nobin is also a prophet and has an international ministry called, "Nobin Samson Ministries," and is the ministry New Dawn is under.
That my friends is called ‘super-crazy, God is all over
this, provision’. Oh, and by the way, this whole thing was a faith adventure. I
had only met and ministered with Pastor Nobin for a few days in Poland, and
just kept in touch here and there. I didn’t know his wife, or his church. I didn’t
even know where I would be staying, or what exactly I would be doing. Another “oh, by the way,” I was asked to do
ministry when I was there. I should have known that God was up to something a
bit bigger, than me seeing Big Ben. I was going just for four days, and just
for holiday. Though when I got on the plane, the Spirit of God began to stir me
deep inside, and I knew something was up. Pastor Nobin casually asked me if I
would like to go to a home group on Tuesday night. I said of course, and was looking
forward to it. Then I get a message, “can you share something?” I’m thinking to
myself, “sure, I can share a quick testimony, or share something about what I’m
doing in Poland.” Tuesday morning I ask Pastor Nobin, “how long would you like
me to share?” I’m thinking 3-5 minutes, and he responds back, “30-45 minutes.”
I was like “what!” Ha, ha, no worries, I’m ready for this. I have no clue what
I’m going to speak on, but I’m ready. I’ve been dreaming about ministering in
England for years, and I’m ready to grab this opportunity. All day long as I’m
touring the area of Buckingham Palace, I’m listening for God. Something,
anything! Nothing. I’m thinking about what I’ve been reading recently in 1
Chron 16, about the ark returning to Jerusalem, but I can feel that I’m not to
speak on that. I just had to wait, step into it, and trust God.
That night many of the friends I had made from New Dawn had
come to my friend Jas’ home in West London. Plus, I got to meet a lot of new
friendly faces. Even Pastor Nobin’s mom (or mum) was there! Everyone was
excited, and they came hungry. Pastor Nobin has really trained his people, and
they really reminded me of World Revival Church in many ways. I felt really at
home with them, and that is a big complement to the pastor. The people were
unified, full of light, easy to be around, humble servants, and bore great
‘fruit.’ The first thing I noticed about the atmosphere in England, compared to
Poland, England is a lot freer. It has the same atmospheres as the United
States, and that caught my attention. Because both the U.S. and the U.K. won
the wars, were not oppressed, were able to rebuild immediately, and moved on in
prosperity, the atmosphere to minister was easy. Plus, both nations have been
hotbeds for revival. Just up the way in Bedford, England, Smith Wigglesworth
lived, and changed a generation with the power of God. In the other direction,
in the nation of Wales, at Moriah chapel, the Welsh Revival shook the
countryside, and the world. North in Scotland, the Hebrides Revival of the 1950’s,
grabbed hold of regular folk, and sent them to their knees with heavy holiness.
During my prayer time earlier, I wanted this group to get a
small taste of World Revival Church, and the deposit that I took with me to
Europe. I wanted people who were broken
and hurting to experience what we experience in Kansas City, MO on a weekly
basis. Up to the moment when I was going to speak, I didn’t know what I was
going to say, so I just stood up in front of this group, and went for it. I
shared on being a carrier of revival, and not just being in a revival. I shared
my testimony of being a California girl, and a person no one would ever pick to
do ministry. I shared about my brokenness, and how a women’s conference in
Kansas City, MO changed the course of my life. I shared with heart-felt passion
about how we are to be carriers, and are responsible for the lives of this
generation. That they were responsible for the lives of their nation, that their
time is short, and they have much to do. That they are to be empowered, like
the disciples, to go shake their generation, and touch the lives of people in
London. I explained why they see so much darkness in London, and it is because
the church is asleep in the light. That they must rise up, and be the carriers
of revival to everyday people. Afterwards, I had the chance to pray for the
people in the room, and I saw God began to move on peoples’ lives. People were
being restored, healed on the inside, strengthened, and empowered. God gave me
the right words, and he began to break into people lives. These people were
good receivers, and they were hungry. They were very soft hearted, and just
pulled on God. This opportunity to be with this group was nothing more than a
divine connection. I felt like I have known these people for years, and we just
met the day before. I have a strong sense that I’ll be back, and I’ll be back
to visit them specifically. It was such a great connection, and a fantastic way
to spend my birthday.
I was pretty much spoiled rotten, and never dreamed that
going to London would be this incredible. I got a makeover, got to see all the
sights, river boat cruise, ate EVERYTHING that was awesome, and was taken care
of all the way. Anything I needed, the pastors and their members took care of
it for me. I stayed in a cute hotel, got my hair done at a fancy salon, and
even had a night out on the town with my new friends. I think there’s no way I
could have planned a better trip. The
people took EXTREMELY good care of me, and it was a time of refreshing. When God is control, he does not play when it
comes to giving people the desires of their heart. When you seek God first,
this kind of stuff happens. I know that this super-crazy provision happened,
because I’m a giver/tither. Because I remember God, He remembers me. Plus, on
top of it, I got to minister, and I wasn’t even expecting that! So, don’t give
up putting God first, remembering him with your tithes, because He has the
power to open up the heavens, and pour out a ‘blessing you can’t contain.” I’m
pretty sure I just lived that scripture in Joel. Thank you God, and thank you
Pastors Nobin & Kay.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Power of Discipleship
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
This week I would like to highlight and honor two ladies who made a huge impact in my life. I would say every young adult girl needs a pair like Kuda and Deb in their life. I would say that us ladies need to be a Kuda or a Deb to those stepping into their calling. Right after I finished school of ministry in 2002, I hit some rocky times in my life. A family (The Phelps) came to my rescue, and helped me become a stable girl. Months after they rescued me, I was placed in a new children's ministry called Firehouse. When I was going to give up on myself, God and the Phelps didn't. In 2005, I had the privlidge of getting to move in with Deb and Kuda in Grandview, MO. These ladies had a reputation for being on fire, strong, stable, and women who produced good fruit in their lives. Their reputation not only preceeded them, but I saw it lived out at home. They were real disciples, and real women. I was in my early 20's, and still trying to figure out how to become an adult. You know, there isn't really a manual for that, but there are special people in our lives that can help us. Living with Deb and Kuda completely and radically changed my life, in more ways then they'll ever know. They taught me character, integrity, family, sisterhood, how to pray, how to have faith, and how to believe. They discipled me, and helped take me to a deeper walk with Jesus. They cared enough to point things out in me, that were hurting me. They loved me enough not to be my mom, but to be my friend. We prayed together for things at church, and then would see those things happen. I was always amazed at how God answered our prayers. That was because I wasn't living with some good 'Christian' girls, I was living with disciples who were believers. Big difference. These ladies lived it, and pushed me to live at a higher standard. I loved it when we would all come home from our jobs, because we would sit around the dinner table and swap stories. Yep, stories about how they were moving in the Holy Spirit at work, overcoming darkness, evangelizing people, touching lives in Kansas City, inviting people to church, and discussing the latest Pastor Steve sermons. It was Deb who taught me how to take my 'sword' to work, and not be a floor mat for people to walk all over. It was Kuda who caused me to grow up, and be a woman. She was a powerful example, and a role model that I gladly wanted to imitate. I saw her faith, how she prayed, how she reached out to people, and I wanted what she had.
Today, I know that I am a woman of faith, because of the power of discipleship. I had people like the Phelps, and Deb and Kuda disciple me. They took time to allow me to be apart of what God was doing in their lives, and it was life changing. These were people who not only experienced the presence and power of God, but they lived the life. They didn't mess around with Christianity, they lived Matthew 28:19-20. I wasn't the only one they discipled, there are many. There are many whose lives have been greatly impacted by these ladies, and what they're doing for the Kingdom of God. My ability to reach out, invest, and disciple people really came from living with them. Even the way I manage my home to be a shalom home, came from their imapct in my life.
What people really want is what I experienced. They want to be around the real presence of God, and real firebrands. They want to learn, and become something in the Kingdom of God. They need examples of people who are really living the bible, and do it in a way that bring freedom. Jesus does not want us to merely meet people, and just float in and out of their lives. He wants us to get deep into their lives, and make an incredible imapct. Jesus wants us to go out into our own world, and tell people some good news. He wants us to disciple people with His power, so they have help along the way. God really cares about people, and He understands the battle for their souls. That is why he has equipted us with everything we need to do good (2 Pet 1:3/2 Tim 3:16-17). He understands that His Kingdom is between people, and that together we are His temple. So you can imagine how valuable people really are to him.
Like that old saying, "you can't take things with you to heaven, but you can take people." I don't like to focus too much on going to heaven, because it's time to live now. I want to be like a Deb or Kuda, moving in the power of God in my daily life, and discipling people.Deb and Kuda wanted to be like Jesus, and set themselves apart to follow Him. They paid a price, and walked in God's authority. They were submitted to their leadership, and to the vision of World Revival Church. They did not merely attend church when they felt like it. No, they helped advance it, and helped lead the charge. I want to teach people with my life how to love/obey God, and stick with his plan. I want to live out Matthew 28:19-20, because it shows God that I care about what He cares about. Someday when I grow up, I want to be like my friends Deb and Kuda, who knew the power of discipleship.
"Touch a life...touch a world...bring the lasting change that can never be shaken nor forgotten. "
-Mary Seidler
Friday, June 5, 2015
Throw It down...
When Prayer Really Matters
I'm not sure how many of you know all the exact details of what I'm doing in Poland, but a lot is getting accomplished in a short period of time. You know why? Because of prayer, and the prayers of friends. Prayer matters! What I'm seeing is that it doesn't matter the size of the enemy, or how long a certain dark presence has ruled over a territory. Nothing can beat the presence of God, or the power of all. Nothing can beat the power of when people pray God's will into circumstances. Darkness may come against us, try to slow us down, or distract us. However, when we are connected to Jesus, and His church, nothing can stop us. This is coming from the voice of experience, not a head nodding amen session at church. It's a whole different ball game when you are personally facing the giants, and are put in a crisis of faith. I have seen time after time in Poland as I confront, establish, and expose it doesn't come without a fight. Luckily not only have I been taught how to pray, I have learned the value of asking for others to join with me in the fight. It has turned out to be a win win situation. It goes something like this:
I'm not sure how many of you know all the exact details of what I'm doing in Poland, but a lot is getting accomplished in a short period of time. You know why? Because of prayer, and the prayers of friends. Prayer matters! What I'm seeing is that it doesn't matter the size of the enemy, or how long a certain dark presence has ruled over a territory. Nothing can beat the presence of God, or the power of all. Nothing can beat the power of when people pray God's will into circumstances. Darkness may come against us, try to slow us down, or distract us. However, when we are connected to Jesus, and His church, nothing can stop us. This is coming from the voice of experience, not a head nodding amen session at church. It's a whole different ball game when you are personally facing the giants, and are put in a crisis of faith. I have seen time after time in Poland as I confront, establish, and expose it doesn't come without a fight. Luckily not only have I been taught how to pray, I have learned the value of asking for others to join with me in the fight. It has turned out to be a win win situation. It goes something like this:
- I walk into a situation that needs to line up with the Word of God, because it's not right.
- I throw it down in prayer. If I don't see a change, the battle is fierce, I call upon a few friends that know how to connect with God. I'm careful in who I ask, because not everyone is praying prayers God considers prayer. Not everyone is walking by faith either. I'm not looking to complain, I'm looking to turn the situation so that it lines up with the will of God.
- I am worshiping, praising, and thanking God during the situation. I'm staying faithful, and giving.
- I am aiming God's Word like a sword right at the issue, because His Word ALWAYS works.
- God arises...end of story. It's testimony time, and time to thank God profusely for the victory!
- For the first time the youth service I have been reconstructing went perfectly. There was shalom, Kingdom order, anointing, youth stepping up in ministry, and leaders in unity.
- As of Friday, I received a call from Pastor Janusz informing me that miraculously I was given a flat to live in for one month. It is fully furnished, EURO CHIC, close to church, close to the city center, close to a grocery shop, and a miracle. I got to move in Sunday.
- This Friday's service was the best one I have been at since arriving to Warsaw, and Pastor Steve would have been proud of what Pastor Marcin preached on Sunday morning. The stirrings of revival are starting to breakthrough. I see it happening with my own eyes.
- Things that were coming against the children's ministry were put into order before I even stepped into the building on Friday night. That was a breakthrough. I had two new people say they want to be in the children's ministry. That was a 3-4 week prayer being answered!!!!
- The spiritual darkness and the sickness I was experiencing was completely gone by the weekend.
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