I remember when I was twelve years old, and I attended my first youth camp in Northern California. It was there I had one of my first encounters with the living God, and took some big steps to breakthrough beyond my religious limitations. All during my youth I had other opportunities to attend other summer camps, and had many more encounters with God. The camps did not make me a perfect person, but what took place at those camps put a deposit in my life. It was at those camps that I discovered I was called to do something great for God. I always held onto those experiences on the inside, and never knew how exactly things would unfold. Years later I had the privilege of being a speaker at a youth camp. I knew that some of the kids were not 'Christian,' and some of them even came from very difficult home situations. This camp for them was a chance to escape from life for a week, and have their own encounter with God. Without giving a spoiler alert, I just want to say that by the time I left on Sunday, these kids were not the same.
The week started off with some 'character building' situations, and the week would (in my book) be also known as character camp. You could ask each one of the youth that came if they had a funny story from camp, and each one would have multiple stories. The group that came from Warsaw had bus 'issues,' and mechanics are closed on Sundays in Poland. Thankfully someone on the bus was a Polish MacGyver, and they rigged the bus to get it back on the road. Eventually they made it, and we were altogether at last. We found out the place where we were staying was having 'water issues,' and the water would be shut off for two nights in a row. No shower, no problem! Also, I know this is not 'significant' but I always managed to locate a place to have a real latte almost everyday. That was very important to my survival. I could go on and on about all the funny things that happened at our camp. Maybe some of my English speaking youth could notate in the comments some of their stories. Anyways, I realized that you have to be a tough American missionary to go to this youth camp. It was not for sissy's, and I'm thankful I grew up camping my whole life. We all overcame, we all had shalom, and we all had a great time!
On our first official gathering Monday morning, I took a good look at all the youth. Some I already knew from Warsaw, and had built relationship with while I lived up there. There were several new faces to the group, and I was looking forward to getting to know them better over the week. I saw kids who were never taught how to worship God, or had really even encountered him. There were kids who weren't even Christians, but their parents let them come to our camp. So overall, there was an interesting mix of personalities and levels of experience represented amongst these guys. I knew the major thing that needed to happen this week was "RELATIONSHIP BUILDING." They didn't necessarily need a sermon, they needed people to care about them and live it. Each day built upon the other, and I saw kids change right before my eyes. Each morning they received training on prayer, and got a chance to stretch themselves. I saw how each day they took deeper and deeper steps into doing things to get closer to God. I don't even know if they realized how quickly they were changing.
Our evening services turned out to be very powerful with anointed teaching. Monday night, our leader Aneta Szuba had a great teaching on choosing life. She had a Power Point that had several well known famous people who had died in their prime. Some of them at one point had gone to church, but chose a different path for their lives. In the end, their choices caught up with them, and their lives ended tragically. You could feel God moving in the room, convicting and touching hearts. In the first call for a response to prayer, the majority of the youth responded. Some held back because they had never experienced a response to prayer. They stood and watched the others receive powerful touches from God. It was ok for them just to look, and be in the moment. As the week progressed, the ones who held back were the ones who received big breakthroughs.
Tuesday night I had the opportunity to speak, and talked about knowing God. I spoke about the difference of knowing about God, and actually knowing him. I talked about his character, and how he is a relational God. As I called people up for prayer, there was one boy who thought I was pointing at him, and bolted toward me. I was actually pointing to my catcher, and this young man was so hungry that he just ran forward. The rest of the group joined him, and a lot of them were now comfortable with becoming a responder. Even that boy I talked about, the night before had held back a bit. Something changed within twenty-four hours within him, and he was getting a new found freedom. I worked with the group with worship as well, I explained that they were created for this, and that they were warriors. They had the power to carry worship, and push darkness back as they raised their voices. Sure enough, many of them began to take major steps in worship, and for some of them it was the first time in their lives that they had ever done this. I saw kids who had their arms bolted to their sides at the beginning of the week. By Saturday, on their own, they choose to worship. I saw kids who were locked up, and not participating in the beginning of the week. By the end of the week they were totally free to chase God down in worship. They were lifting their hands, praising with strength, honoring God, and singing with everything.

One young man in particular really touched my heart. He was one of the guys that wasn't apart of the Warsaw group, and was very locked up. He wasn't just locked up during our meetings, he was locked up all day long. It didn't matter if we were at the horse ranch or doing the lines course. On Thursday or Friday I saw a major breakthrough happen in his life. I caught him lifting his hands and enjoying worshiping God. His whole countenance completely changed. I saw him smiling at breakfast the next day, and his face was all lit up. He walked around camp like a new kid, he walked around with freedom. I saw this situation also take place in a few of the girls, and some of the other young men that came too. The Warsaw group had a little advantage over the new kids, because of their Fishing meetings we've been having. They rose up like leaders, and stood their ground. They also took deeper steps in worship, and in prayer. They helped lead the way so that the other newer kids had examples to follow. I couldn't have been more prouder of them, and I believe that bigger opportunities await them.
This was such a great experience, and it was incredible to watch how God touched these youth. Each day I saw them change and go deeper. Each day I saw them courageously push past their limitations, and push themselves right into a breakthrough. At the end the week, each of them got up and gave a testimony. They all had a great time meeting new people, going on the day trips, and getting closer to God. I think that adults too were deeply touched by what took place. There was such a peace between us, and great teamwork. Each person worked to support the mission with such care and excellence. No matter what challenge we faced in character or circumstance, we all prevailed victoriously. I'm so thankful for each of the adults that came, and how well they took care of everything. We had a great time, and we had a great time with the youth.
It was fun also to be American on this trip, and introduce some of my culture to my Polish comrades. I taught my friends Damian and Kasia about "ain't no one got time for that." You should hear Damian try to say that with his Polish accent, and try moving his head at the same time. Classic! Or teaching some of the youth how to play spoons. That was a riot, and I'm glad they picked it up so fast. We vow to have a rematch of spoons next time I'm in Warsaw. I also taught the entire group the electric slide, because that is very important. Surprisingly, they picked up that dance very quickly, and we had a blast. I figured if we were at an American style horse ranch...we should do the electric slide. To me that makes perfect sense, even though I'm not a country music fan. Finally, one funny moment. I was at this line course...the kind where you walk on ropes a thousand feet (so it seems) in the air. I had all the gear on, climbed up this tall Polish tree, and looked down. My mistake. I was all pumped about being an ewok, and forgot how afraid of heights I was. Those twelve year olds knocked out the course like Rambo, and I just wanted to make it down the ladder to terra firma. Oh well, looks like I have some fear to overcome.
So here's to one the best summer camp experiences I've ever had!!! The youth were great, God backed us up, lives were changed, and I had a great time. We all made great memories, and I'm already looking forward to our next Fishing meeting at the end of this month.