Friday, September 25, 2015

Things are clicking along

This past week I picked up where I left off in June. I settled back into the church office, and began to review the children's ministries I created. The toddler and the Friday night elementary groups were completely brand new, and the Sunday morning children's service was had also undergone changes. It was time to meet with the leaders, and do some observations. I was really impressed with how these teams survived the summer, and how they stuck with what was created. I really wanted to work on people's character, integrity, and give them a chance to rise up. I'm used to being in a children's ministry that rarely ever changes teachers. For example, prior to being sent to Poland, I had worked with Karen Dehaven for over ten years. We had a few people come and go, but I want to say it was just a few. It was rare for our group to get a new person, but in doing so a new person is usually a good thing. They bring a strength that was probably missing from our group, and it also gives them a chance to rise up. Now that it is September, almost October, it was time to review, and verify if any changes need to occur. I did see people stretch, their character get built, and saw an increase of integrity. That is a natural part of participating in any ministry, and especially children's ministry.

Ela Panek teaching in Kids In Action

Gabbie Pikul helping lead kids in worship
I had worked hard with Ela Panek, the overseer of the children's ministry in Warsaw, to find the right people to fit into the different children's ministries. That in itself was a task.We had to find people that fit the right age groups, and had the heart to want to minister to kids. Though once we found the right people, it helped these ministries flow smoothly. As of now, we have stable, commited people, who minister to children each weekend. There are things that need to tighten up, but for the most part I was really impressed! I think after I am able to make these few changes in each ministry, each group will really be able to take off to a new level. My next step is to help with what teachers call, "classroom management." Then I want to start raising up the kids in elementary group to become more active in ministry. I will also be raising up new praise and worship teams for each elementary ministry.

My goal is to have the children be released to minister in a regular adult service. I want to get them to the level where they can pray as a group for the adults. So we are starting a kids version of pre-service prayer on Sunday mornings. We're going to talk about how we are to behave in the main sanctuary, and have them pray for their own service. I feel the more we get them involved doing something, the more it will change their lives.They are in the process of getting their spiritual 'muscles' built for the first time. It's a lot of hard work for them, but in just a few weeks it will pay off. There is also talk of having a children's conference, and of course I want to have the kids ready to minister at that event. So, we have a lot of work on our hands in the next few weeks, but I am confident that we will see deeper changes in our kids. 

This week also marks 9 MONTHS of being in Poland!!! I left Kansas City, MO on December 23rd, 2014, and it feels like I've been here just a few weeks. It's crazy to think that I've been here for 9 months, and all that has been accomplished. If I could describe what it has been like to be here, I would say pure grace. Grace is not the picture of the cat haning by it's claws, but it is God's favor backing you up. God throws me into situations where I have no experience (i.e., speaking at a women's conference about raising children, helping lead a youth group, speaking at a youth camp), and backs me up all the way. I have no idea how He does it, but I'm always willing to step into whatever He's put before me. It's pure grace for a girl who's a nobody from nowhere. So things are clicking along really good, and are on schedule. Today I spoke at the school of leaders on children's ministry, and am still amazed that I get to do what I'm doing. This is a total dream come true, and I am living the dream. I'm sharing my heart and passion about children's ministry, and stretching peoples' faith concerning children. Who would have thought that this could be possible, but it goes to show that God does hear the cry of hearts. How He delivers the dream, and fullfills it is truly amazing. As always, if He did it for me, He is more than willing to do it for you.  

Church of Glory Warsaw Children's Ministry Video

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Return to Warsaw!

I'm back in Warsaw, and I'm busy all over again. On September 4th, I departed Cieszyn one more time, and took the train up to Warsaw. This is where I'll be until my mission in Poland has come to an end. I got to move into a new flat, and it happens to be the mini version of my Shalom Home. So, I've named my flat, the 'Shalom Flat.' Same rules apply as they do in Kansas City, MO, if you come over, expect to leave better than you came in. Shalom is always good, no matter what. This place where I get to stay has an old piano, furniture, and everything I'll need to live while I'm here. So it was great provision, and the perfect place for me to land. As usual, Pastor Marcin and his group have taken great care of me, and have made my transition smooth. I'm so thankful for my time in Cieszyn, and for all that God did down there. It was a good time of rest, and we accomplished many good things.
Gdansk, Poland
As soon as I got into town, I was out of town on holiday (vacation). Pastor Marcin felt that I needed some rest, and he sent me to the Baltic Sea. Also, I was asked frequently if I was resting, and for the record...I rested. That's hard for me, and I think a lot of my American friends would agree. Americans work hard, and usually don't get a lot of time off, let alone rest. Well, anyways, it was great timing, and I really enjoyed being at the sea. I got to see Gdansk, and it was  beautiful. After I did some research on the history of the city, I would like to go back. Poland has played a major role in world history, and unfortunately also paid a price during some of these events. The city is about 1,000 years old, and has been the stage for some of these history making events. It was the location where WW2 started, and also the Solidarity movement of the 1980's. Needless to say, if you come to Poland, you need to make a day trip to Gdansk. For the rest of my trip, I got to go spend some time at the beach, and I haven't done that in years. Growing up in California, going to the beach was a lifestyle for my family. The beaches of the Baltic were just as awesome as those in Santa Barbara County. There were plenty of seashells, and lots of beautiful scenery. Pastor Ula Podżorski came along with me, and we had a fantastic time.I taught her how to be Californian in a Polish world, and she taught me how to how to speak more Polish. I even got her to swim with me in the sea, and that was the big talk of the town when we got back to Warsaw. Yes, the sea was cold, but no colder than it is in California. It was really refreshing, and so much fun. Plus, we even got a little sun. Needless to say the two of us had a blast...and got some rest.

Coming back again to Warsaw, I have my work cut out for me. I'll be working again with their children's ministry, youth ministry, and more. On Monday, the school of leaders began its new semester, and I'll be one of the instructors. We had amazing worship led by Pastor Ula Matan, and an uplifting message from Pastor Marcin. I and some of the other teachers got to share a few words as well. We have a lot of students who have been pillars at church of Glory, so you're never too old in God to head back to bible college. I'm really excited for the students, because they will be different by the time December rolls around. I went through the same thing when I was at the World Revival School of Ministry. Just one semester changed me forever, and I expect that for them as well.  They are very hungry to go to a new level in God, and this is a perfect place for that to happen.

Coming up soon, my friend and ministerial colleague, Pastor/Prophet Nobin Samson will come back to Warsaw. In addition, we will have the pleasure of Dr. Peter Gammons joining us as well. Both of these amazing men of God will work together in a crusade, that Church of Glory will host. So we will be getting prepped for that event. Next week marks 9 months of me being in Poland, and I'm amazed at all that has been done. I love being apart of what God is doing here, and am looking forward to watching God's plan unfold. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Real Evangelism...Real Life

The evangelism event and the Real Life youth meeting went absolutely wonderful this past Saturday. All day long we were busy running around, and pouring ourselves out for Jesus. Saturday morning came quick, as we had our friends from the Warsaw church come to our flat for breakfast. Then they were off to meet the group from Tarnów at the church. The Tarnów, Cieszyn, and Warsaw group made a fantastic team, and really were able to touch the city. There was a lot of prayer that went up for this event, and I believe it was the reason everything went so smoothly. For those of you who follow the blog, you'll remember that we had all kinds of opposition in Skoczów, but we had none in Cieszyn. The police didn't come by, and there was no trouble whatsoever. It was peaceful, everyone worked together in unity, and each group helped make an impact. The group from Tarnów did a dance and a drama. Plus, they helped preach and reach out. The group from Warsaw, who lead the event, played music, and preached. Pastors Sławek and Gosia were very touched by how all of these youth, and young adults worked together.
A friend from Tarnów preaching.
Church of Glory Cieszyn had never really done an outreach like this, and I believe it has stirred their people to want to do more events. People overcame their fears, and broke through barriers to witness to their community, and share the good news. The feedback I got from those who attended was very positive. I feel that it broke a mentality that "Cieszyn is hard to reach." In reality, Ciesyzn, like any other city is ready for the harvest. I think it was a great idea to get the congregation out there, and doing something. It was incredibly helpful to have both the Warsaw and Tarvów groups there, and I feel that the Cieszyn church learned a great deal from them. 

A few hours later, a bunch of us met up at the church for band practice, and began tying up any last minute loose ends. 7pm rolled around, and everyone was set to go for Real Life. The worship was absolutely powerful, and heartfelt. Patrycja got up and shared a few words, and then we presented our real life video. The video was about the reality in Poland, and how the youth are facing some hard issues in their generation. If they truly want to have real life, they must  have faith. I preached on seeing, believing, and experiencing the real life God has in store for you. I spoke on the two guys who were on the road to Emmaus, and how they didn't recognize Jesus. They didn't believe he had risen, and were shocked to hear that his body was 'missing' from the tomb. They didn't see, they didn't believe, and they were downcast. I saw that the youth of Poland are in the same position. They too can't see Him, and they don't believe He is a Jesus that they can interact with. Of course I'm talking about youth in Poland that have not yet had a real encounter with Jesus. There are crucifixes with little metal Jesus' over Poland, and to me that is how the youth of Poland view Jesus. Unable to help them financially, unable to help them emotionally, and unable to interact with them, because he's on that cross. He's a powerless Jesus to many, but that isn't the truth. The truth is that He is alive, and they can experience Him. So for many, having faith or believing in Jesus is not an option most consider. It's time now for them to be awakened to an option they weren't aware of, and the option that will rescue their lives. It will be the fire of God that will change them, and shake their nation. They don't need powerless religion from America; the gospel of die and go to heaven. They need the good news about a Jesus they can have a relationship with now, and move in his power today. 

Afterwards, those who were hungry came forward for prayer, and were mightily touched. There was one girl in particular that was walled up, but so hungry for God. Patrycja and I prayed for her, and then we pulled another person to come stand beside her. I put Patrycja on one side of her, and our friend on the other side of her. Within seconds, God's presence showed up very powerfully, and all three experienced God. Another youth had come up for prayer, and as I was praying for him, big tears fell on my hands. God was really touching his heart, and healing it. These two and many more experienced the real life that Jesus had for them. In the end, it was a great service, and I'm thankful for all those who worked behind the scenes to make it run so smooth.

The next day we had our Sunday morning service, and our friend Paweł Haponiuk led worship. There was a new level of glory, and God moved freely. I believe because this church had poured itself out all weekend, it made it easy for God to move. Overall, it was a fantastic weekend, and it was awesome to see people advancing the Kingdom of God together. Everything was so peaceful, successful, and smooth. Many thanks to Pastor Jan, Michael, and the Tarnów group for coming and helping us. Many thanks to Pastor Marcin, Paweł, and the Warsaw group for all you did all weekend.