Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving...from Poland?

From left to right: Marta W., myself, Ania S. & Pastor Janusz S.
Thanksgiving and Black Friday have come and gone, and now Christmas is just days away. I must brag on my Polish friends, they are really awesome. I wasn't quite sure how I would spend this all-American holiday (Thanksgiving) while being in Poland. Since it was the first time I've ever been out of America for this holiday, it was something to consider. No football, no pumpkin pie, and no black Friday shopping in Lee's Summit, MO. My friend Marta invited me over to her flat, and we decided to have our very first Polish-American Thanksgiving. In my opinion, you can celebrate Thanksgiving just about anywhere in the world, and I was so happy to share this special tradition with some great people. I made my first ever turkey, homemade stuffing, and mashed potatoes. Everyone brought something I suggested (ie., cranberry sauce, rolls, etc.), and we had a very American Thanksgiving! It was so much fun explaining to Pastor Janusz, since he was only guy at the meal, he took on the roll of the traditional American father. He had several important jobs:

1. Pretend to watch American football in the living room, while all the ladies where in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the food. Marta doesn't have a TV, so that's why it was pretend. I guess the Green Bay Packers game would have been a good choice, if we had TV. 
2.Cut the turkey
3. Say the blessing
4. Insist that I help eat the additional piece of dessert (Polish tradition) 

Pastor Janusz with the turkey
 In honor of my friend Derek Schwindt, I taught my Polish comrades about an important part of Thanksgiving, "Sleepy Thanksgiving." Derek came up with a brilliant idea to take pictures of people after they have gorged themselves on Thanksgiving foods, and have fallen asleep. Since it is so much fun to take pictures of people (who are sleeping) in random places, the Thanksgiving inspired sleepy selfies have continued beyond the holiday. So we all were careful to stay awake, and to avoid this particular tradition.

I also got to explain "Black Friday" to my Polish friends, because Poland has recently started doing this tradition. In fact, I was on the metro the other day, and I saw advertisements for Black Friday. For a moment there, I forgot I was in Poland, and I was magically transported back to the U.S. I was told that Poles love our great savings on Black Friday, and would buy things online in the U.S. So, Polish merchandisers decided to give Black Friday a try in their shops, and it is a hit. I was just in the mall today, and was passing all the Black Friday advertisements. As far as I know, no Poles have been trampled or stampeded by other Poles in order to get great savings. Let's pray that doesn't start here, or things are going to get really interesting.

Do you want to know some interesting facts about Poland? Poland has tornados and buffaloes. Their tornado issue is actually recent in the past few years, but they are more like big micro bursts. Yes, they have buffalo, and they're called, "zubr." Yes, I know, I can't believe it, but it's true. So basically Poland is the 'mid-west' of Europe, and Warsaw is the 'Kansas City, MO' of Poland. So I really don't feel like I left Kansas City in some ways, but in some ways it's pretty obvious that I am in a foreign country. For example, don't send me to buy meat at a meat store, and the grandma lady (who doesn't speak ENGLISH) is working. Thank you LORD I can count to 5 in Polish, because that is all the kielbasa I would be able to buy.
Our Polish-American Thanksgiving
I hope that everyone back in the states had a wonderful Thanksgiving 2015 with their family, friends, and loved ones. I also celebrate 11 months in Poland this week, and am about to hit the one year mark! I'm really thankful for my pastors, Steve and Kathy Gray for allowing me to be here. I'm thankful for friends who have been praying for me, the churches, and for Poland. It's pretty exciting to see how much has been accomplished this year, and how many lives are being impacted. I'm especially thankful for those who have given or sent me things to Poland. It has really touched my heart to receive cards, letters from kids in Kansas City, gifts, and well wishes. I do not take these things for granted, because they have greatly touched my heart. People are really our treasure, and boy do I have a treasure chest back in Kansas City. I am so thankful for the church in Cieszyn, and for them allowing me to come down there. I learned so much, and had an incredible journey with them this year. I'm also thankful for the Warsaw Church, and their pastors.

This was so incredible to celebrate Thanksgiving in Poland with my amazing hostess Marta, and the Szarzecs. They really enjoyed our style of food, and our crazy traditions. We are one of the only countries (that I'm aware of) that has a day set apart to be thankful. Really my heart is cascading with thanks to God, and for the people in my life! So....Happy Thanksgiving from Poland!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

No Limits Young Adults, and Kingdom Kids Middle School Group

Karolina Kruba preaching on "standing the test of time"
Hot off the plane from Prague, I was back in Warsaw doing what I do best...working hard. Saturday, November 14th was our 2nd young adult service (No Limits). It was so powerful, and I was very proud of our No Limits leadership team. Worship was anointed, and the message was timely. Just hours after what happened in Paris, you could feel the effect it has had on Europe. My Friend Karolina Kruba spoke out of the book of Daniel, and shared about the character Daniel and his friends had. They didn't defile themselves, and they didn't bow to fear. We want to be young adults who are stable, committed, faithful, and unshakable. When other 'Christians' in Europe are bowing and compromising, we want to be a group that stands for Christ. Karolina Kruba has been with Church of Glory for many years, and has 'stood the test of time.' She also talked about staying faithful, waiting for God's promises to come through. Her message was something she has lived. It was great to see all that had been poured into her, come out to empower the group.

Karolina C. and Marysia B.  during testimony time
 In addition to the great message, Marysia Brzezinska led the group for the night and did a fantastic job. She was the first of the group to do testimonies, and our testimonies were outstanding. One girl, Karolina C., gave a testimony of how she was the girl who had it all. Job, fiance, flat, but left it all to follow Jesus. She left her town (near Lublin, Poland), and came to the School of Leaders at Church of Glory. She was like a modern day Abraham or a disciple. Her life is getting stronger, she's getting more freedom, and God is using her mightily. We had some powerful testimonies, plus a powerful time of prayer. I'm believing that God will increase this group, and touch the lives of young adults in Warsaw. It's a meeting full of God's power and life, and peoples lives are being changed. 

On Sunday I again helped out in our Kingdom Kids, Middle School Ministry. Our focus for the week was "Who I am in Christ." We had a fun drama, went over our bible homework, and then my good friend Damian Gołos preached a fantastic sermon. Afterwards Damian and his wife Kasia, prayed for all the kids. Already I'm seeing lots of great changes in the kids. I think that the expectation of this group is exceeding the perception the youth had. Maybe they thought is was going to be just 'another service' for their age group. However, it's not! It is fun and powerful!!! I think that the adults leading the group are having fun too, and that's really important.
Ela, me, Kasia, Eliza, and Damian

Ela, me, and Damian holding up our 'signs' of who we are in Christ
Damian preaching to the middle schoolers

Doing a little baby sitting while Damian preaches

Friday, November 13, 2015

Hello Prague!

 This week it's all about Prague in the Czech Republic! 
It's time to take a trip outside of Poland, and do some sight seeing. 
Come along with my friend Gabriella and I as we hit the streets of this beautiful city.

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Our first stop (besides checking in at the hotel) was a  traditional Czech restaurant. It was full of locals that greeted at the door with, "Ahoj!" It sounded like I was greeted by pirates, but no...they were just Czech's. Dinner was super cheap (by American standards), and yummy. Next, we went in search of public transit, and some famous sites. We were able to not only locate the trams, but found ourselves in one of the most famous of spots, Wenceslas Sqaure. Wenceslas Square has been the traditional site for many historical gatherings for the Czech people. In the more recent history, it was a place of Nazi parades , Communist demonstrations after WW2, and anti-Communist demonstration in 1989. It was a place that saw oppressors roll in, and saw them roll right out. Towards the end of the street, is a famous statue of King/Duke Wenceslas. He was one of the most greatest leaders of the Czech people, and has his own Christmas song. It was an interesting experience, and was wonderful to see it in person. I have done lots of research (in preparation for my trip) on sites to see, and this was one of my top sites. If you ever get a chance to come to Prague, don't miss it!

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Who said Friday the 13th had to be a bad luck kind of day? In the Kingdom of God, there's no such thing as 'bad luck,' only FAVOR. Let me tell you, the day was full of it. Blue skies, get November weather, and lots of memories made. Our first stop of the day was the Jewish District of Prague. Please take a look at the Vlog, and pictures of the different sites we visited. There were lots of information on the holocaust, the local concentration camp (Terezin), and whole collections of Jewish items rescued from Nazi destruction.

 Jewish District and its Synagogues 


Spanish Synagogue Altar area

A listing of the major concentration camps

Prague Jewish  Cemetery
Infamous Jewish Star of David

Standing in front of 3 Torahs

Meet Gabriella

After Gabbie and I finished up in the Jewish district, we headed over to the main square. There's so much to see in one area, and lots of Czech food to experience. Sorry Poland, but their kielbasa was AMAZING. So go Czech's in your awesome traditional foods and meats! Everything you would want to see, Charles Bridge, the Astronomical Clock, and other famous sites are very close together. Plus, you can see them for free! Just across the Charles Bridge is the Prague Castle complex. It boasts of Notre Dame styled Gothic cathedral, and an amazing view of the city. Gabbie and I had a great time walking around the cathedral, and the palace complex. Everything was absolutely gorgeous. I am now convinced that Prague is pretty much just like Paris in so many ways. Everything is so lovely, and ornate. The buildings are hundreds of years old, and have so much character to them. Prague by day or night, is a great experience. One of the reasons Prague is so captivating is that it was not destroyed in WW2. Unlike Warsaw, Prague was left untouched by the Nazi's, and stands as a representation of what Europe was like prior to the 1930's.

Yummy Trdelńkl

Charles Bridge
Massive pieces of meat on the grill


This has been an absolutely great trip to Prague, and I would highly recommend it. It's very affordable, and you can get a lot done in just two days. Then, you should hop on a plane and come to Poland for a visit! In fact, that's just what I'll be doinging next! Gabbie and I hop on plane for Warsaw, because we have lots more to do back in Poland! Our 2nd Young Adult meeting or "No Limits" group, meets Saturday, November 14th at 6pm. It's going to be a powerful night, and lives will be changed. So if you're a young married/adult, you live in Poland, you should find "No Limit's" on Facebook to get all the information, and come. If you're not in Poland, I hope you enjoyed this week's blog. Tune in next week as I share more updates from Poland!

*This blog is dedicated to my two Czech friends, Jennifer Wyse, and Rhonda Punches. Plus, others who are Czech, that I didn't know you had a Czech background. You know you who you are, so this shout out is for you!*

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Childrens, youth, and young adult ministires

This past week I stepped out of working in our Friday night children's ministry, Club Adventure (Klub Przygód). I had been working on raising up worship leaders for this ministry, so that the kids could have live worship. I also worked on the behavioral management for this group as well. In just two months, I noticed a huge change in the kids, and saw them 'self-correcting' themselves. In addition to this, I strengthened the leaders of this group, and watched them arise. Everything I set out to do in September has been taken care of. I created and established these ministries back in the Spring, and it was time to tighten things up. That has been accomplished, and now I leave to work with the youth.

The middle school group (Kingdom Kids) turned out really great this past Sunday. It is basically a new ministry, unlike anything this church has ever had for this age group. The structure and format is completely different, and it will add a new strength to this church. The whole point of this ministry is to give middle schoolers a foundation of the Kingdom of God, and for them to find their identity as a Kingdom citizens. I wish I had this when I was their age, it would have rescued my life. It is a no-nonsense, revival based, middle school ministry, that is aimed to wake these kids up. So I'll be working on establishing that this month on Sundays, and raising up the leaders to grab hold of the vision for this group.

This Saturday I'll be ministering along with the youth leadership, for our November Fishing meeting. I'm expecting God to really soften and touch the lives of these youth. Something that they deal with is being in a society that doesn't feel it has a purpose. I'm believing that purpose, destiny, and God's plan for their life will be revealed to them. It's very important that God can arouse them, and point them in the direction of His plan. In addition to the Fishing meetings, we will be adding a second technical revival training in just a few weeks. We'll be focusing on the 15-19 year olds, and instilling in them practical training for ministry. So God is really strengthening and establishing the youth ministry in this season. I have no doubts that as we progress into 2016, we shall start seeing some great fruit come forth from these kids.

Next Saturday, November 14th marks our 2nd Young Adult meeting. Our group is now officially called "No Limits." It's for young marrieds and singles, ages 20-30ish. The objective is to create a Kingdom culture amongst this age group. My friend Karolina Kruba will be speaking on stability, and standing the test of time. She's been with Church of Glory since she was little, and is a faithful attender. It's going to be a great time, and I'm looking forward to what God will do there. Last time it was incredibly powerful in every aspect. Worship, the teaching, and the release of God's power at the end of the service. I believe this will be a group that God removes every limit, and they can carry that revival to the young adults of Warsaw. I have also heard of some great financial testimonies that are coming forth from this group. One of things we are declaring over 'No Limits,' is that we are going to be some of the  most prosperous young adults in Warsaw. No debts, no lack, no instability, no fear. I see a bunch of young adults getting stable, firm, devoted, and prospering just like Abraham. That is what God wants for these guys, and I've seen it happen in Kansas City. It's not an American's a Kingdom thing! You do things the Kingdom way, you get Kingdom results. God has no problem blessing those who take good care of His house, and do things according to His will. I'm seeing people in this group take those principals, and do them. So I'm excited to hear the testimonies, and be apart of what's going on.

Next week I fly to Prague, just for the fun of it. I'm taking a quick break, and going to see some sights. The break I need, and the sights I can't wait to see. So if you're on Facebook, check out the pictures. Hey if you lived this close to'd fly there too, especially if you set up as many ministries as I have in one year. Hahahahhahhaa! Anyways, I'll be reporting everything next week, and posting some great photos!