Towards the end of the service, I was asked to come into the children's ministry to lead a few songs, and to see what God would do with the kids. The children did an amazing job of worshiping with strength, and anointing. I can say that these kids are not the same, and they too are allowing themselves to go to a new place in God. After we worshiped for a bit, God began to draw near to the kids. My friend Gabby and I went and prayed for the fire of God to touch each child. Children began to fall out in God's presence, or stood receiving his goodness. It was a powerful time, and the children were very touched.
As we continue to cry out for revival in Poland, we're asking that God start with his church first. That God begin to awaken the leaders to their full potential to lead. That both leaders and the people rally together in prayer and intercession. Also, that both the leaders and the people allow God burn in them personally. How can we have a Polish revival, if the people of God are not revived to be carriers of it? As God continues to stir things up in Warsaw, may the people begin to strike the match against their own hearts. Before we can do anything in any other city, we must (in Warsaw) allow God to strike our own hearts and lives with his holy fire. Once God has a people moving in unity, all crying out for the fire of God, it is just a matter of time, before heaven opens up, and he himself comes down. That is exactly what is missing in Poland, and what the people don't even know they need.
Our Fishing youth service on Saturday went absolutely perfect! There was a great anointing on the Fishing worship team, and they are really beginning to step up. We did have a situation with some visiting teens, who had never really been to a service like ours. It put them in a crisis, and it was good for our teens to experience this. God is raising them up to be carriers of revival, and those who are burning with the fire of revival. They themselves had to make a choice, "am I going to be who I'm supposed to be...despite the fact that these other youth are being a distraction? Am I going to cower to the pressure to not worship Jesus? Or, am I going to give Jesus my best, and fight for his honor?" I'm happy to stay our bunch of youth chose to honor Jesus in his house. In the end, it wasn't the adults who pushed things that didn't belong out of the room, it was the youth themselves. To my knowledge they had never done anything like this before. They each took bold steps to honor God with their own words. They each grabbed the microphone, and fought for God. I and the other youth leaders couldn't have been more proud of the big steps they took. I spoke on "The Secret Life," and how we need to watch what we do in secret. If we do 'dark' things in secret as a Christian, it will be brought to the light. It will be brought to the light when you're not expecting it, and it can put a person in bondage. I said that it was ok to have a private life, however would our parents be ashamed if they knew some of the things we did in private/secret? When the Word had been preached, I grabbed the youth leader, Aneta and began to speak over her. I knew that God wants to raise her up to a higher level, and be an influence on the teens of Poland. Then I gave a call to respond to the message, and only one youth was able to break free from the crowd. The other youth are not yet used to being responders yet, so I boldly asked why only one person responded. Once they realized that they could respond, they did. I went for the hungriest kid I could find, a young man. At first he seemed stiff, but I prayed the word 'break' over him. That he would break and yield to the Holy Spirit. Within moments, he let his guard down, and allowed the Holy Spirit to go deep inside. Tears began to fall on his face, and in a moment he was caught up in the very presence of God. The girls and boys of the group surrendered their lives to the Holy Spirit, and began to allow God to do a deep work. In the end, the adults gathered together, and allowed God to work on us too.
If God can set the hearts of the youth, children, and adults on fire in this church, and other churches in Poland. There is a great potential for a major move of God for this nation. I'm not talking about a few fires here and there. A revival that will shake the nation, so that it is never the same again. A revival that will set people free from the bondage of religion that doesn't work. Religion from American that has already put young people in Poland into the same bondage that is experienced in the pews/home groups of America. Sad to say, but it is true. A revival that will deal with the corruption of the government and the economic system. A revival that will deal with the leaders and the people, so that God's Kingdom reigns in his church, and not the kingdom of the world. I'm a firm believer in the church of Poland arising, and a revival that will empower the change. Based upon what I've been experiencing in Cieszyn and Warsaw, I'm seeing God breathe on his people, and he is raising up an army to get the job done. I personally would not want to be one who saw what was happening, and decided not to be involved.
Poland ARISE
You are definitely a history maker, Mary, and creating others along the way! Go, Go, Go!!!