I wanted to share a quick testimony, of how revival is taking root even deeper at Kocioł Chwały (Church of Glory) Warsaw. The saying is true, "it isn't real revival, until the children get it." That was one of my goals coming to Poland, was to bring true revival to this land. I knew that the children had to experience it for themselves, and be carriers of it. I saw God do great things down in the Cieszyn church with their children's ministry. So, my faith was big that God could do it all over Poland. I know what I experienced this past Sunday was not happenstance. I know that for almost a year now, the children have been taught how to worship. They are experiencing good teaching and training in their children's ministries. Plus, they have parents that are training them at home.
On Sunday, there was a row of children, and they were really worshiping God. I walked over to be with them, because my heart was so touched. All during praise and worship, this group of children praised with strength, and worshiped harder then some of the adults. I know that this is the fruit of what they are experiencing in their children's ministries. They are learning to honor God in His house, and to worship with siła (strength). One little girl in particular really impressed me. Her family just started coming to the church in March, and she came in as a very timid little girl. Over the course of this year, I've seen her transform into a bold little girl. She came up to the front and worshiped with all her strength for the entire service. This was not the same girl I met in the spring, she has been revived.
To be honest this is a very new phenomenon in Poland, and it is changing church culture. I don't think a lot of people have ever really seen children go deep in praise and worship. I don't think they knew what children were capable of, if they raised the standard. You could feel in the room how awkward it was to have a row of children worshiping with strength. However, those feelings that were being released in the atmosphere, were overridden by what the children were doing. They were on the 'spiritual front lines' building God a stronghold of praise (Psalm 8:2-3). They were pushing away God's enemies, and ushering in His presence. I know if we continue to head in this direction, more and more people will get comfortable with this Kingdom culture. It's different, but it is right! In my opinion, this is the beginnings of a real Polish revival.
Also, I wanted to share something that is on my heart for churches internationally. A lot of people may not really know what do with their children during worship. This is my advice as a spiritual mother. Children need to be parented during worship. I believe if you are a parent, it is your responsibility to parent your children during worship. They don't need a million water breaks or bathroom breaks. They need to stand next to you, and stay next to you. If they can sit still through Star Wars or cartoons, they can sit still in church too. They need to stand to their feet, and worship their God with strength. We as adults shouldn't be soooooo lost in worship, that we loose sight of what is happening in the chair next to us. In my opinion, if we have kids, we are responsible for them in worship, until they are mature enough to worship themselves. That's great if we're parenting them in homework, and other areas of their life. The parenting they desire even more is to be parented in God. Remember, teach a child when they are young, and they won't forget it when they're older. So allowing them to run around during worship, run up to the stage, tear things apart, fall asleep, distract the people around them, or not worship at all is dishonorable. We can't be raising our hands singing, "God I honor you," and our children are being dishonorable to God. Heaven sees this and it sends a mixed message. You know what is honorable to God? Parenting your children during church. That is the most spiritual thing we can do if we have kids. That way God is really getting all the glory He deserves, and the kids are getting the message that this is important. Once the kids get this in them, then it's real revival.
This is revival, when we raise the standard of worship, even with our kids. We must be responsible to remove all the distractions in a service, and focus on the One who really matters. If our kids are distracted during worship, or causing distractions, how is that showing honor to God? As parents we can take control over this, and remove the dishonor. This is easy, and it draws us closer to our children, and to God. These are the moments they'll always treasure, when mom or dad grabbed their little hand, and sang to God in church. Then when they are older, we can stand next to them, and enjoy the labors of godly parenting.

This is my blog, personal story, online journal of my adventure to Poland. Stay caught up with the latest news, testimonies, pictures, and more! I'll be posting up to date information on what God is doing through me, and through those I'm with! It's time for Poland and its people to arise in God, and everything He has planned for them. There's no better time to arise than now!
Friday, December 18, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Lights, Camera, Action! Kids Arising!
This past weekend I had the priviledge of helping shoot some kid testimonies. God is really touching the lives of the children at Church of Glory Warsaw. I am amazed that just after half a year I'm seeing so much change in their lives. Some of these kids are becoming speakers for God at school, and really being the 'light of the world.' One girl was helping comfort one of her classmates who had gotten her feelings hurt. She told her friend, " don't speak out those words (I am nothing, I will not manage to do this
performance in a expected way), because words are powerfull - just
stop crying, it won't help you anyway!" The advice was godly, and timely. I'm so proud of her for not backing down. I have seen this girl really change, and come to life at church. When I first met her she was very shy, and withdrawn. Now she is one of the strongest kids in our children's ministry. Her and her siblings (who are all attending the children's ministries of Church of Glory) are all changing. Her little brother, who is 5 years old, is a little 'Noah' at his school. He is always reaching out, and standing up for what is right. I love seeing the fruit of what was sown, and what has been established this year. So now, it's lights, camera, action for the kids in Warsaw. No one can deny the testimony of child, because of their innocence. All of these kids had fantastic testimonies of what they are doing with the teachings they receive at Church of Glory. It's incredible to see how some are helping friends with words of life, and some are even seeing prayer breakthroughs.
Also, I need to brag on our children's workers. I walked into the Club Adventure room to give the book of Genesis awards that were made. The kids on Friday nights just completed the entire book of Genesis, and will be moving onto Exodus next. If you see a map in the background, that is the book of Genesis cartoonized in a map. They follow that map on their weekly God adventure through the bible. Anyways, I asked if they needed any help, and they were just fine. What I felt from them was that a group of people took OWNERSHIP of this ministry. This is what I had been hoping for, and now it has become reality. It was no longer my vision, but it has become theirs. The same is happening in the toddler ministry as well. They are taking ownership of that ministry, and the toddlers are receiving great ministry. In fact, we'll be picking lessons for the next year out of the Light Church manual of World Revival Church. The teachers are so excited to use this material, and invest in the toddlers.
Just like Noah built the ark in advance for the rain, I believe that these ministries have been prepared for a coming harvest of people. I am so thankful to have someone like Pastor Marcin who has opted for 'world class' instead of 'popsicle stick religion.' These kids are having a blast on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. I love hearing all the testimonies from parents and teachers alike. It's not just the kids that are changing, but I'm seeing the teachers arise as well. To me that is the most rewarding thing, watching all of them rise up to the call. I believe God is preparing both kids and teachers for something greater. These kids will be in position not just to be receivers, but to be ministers themselves. I'm excited for what 2016 holds in store for them, and the new kids God is going to bring to our ministry!
Also, I need to brag on our children's workers. I walked into the Club Adventure room to give the book of Genesis awards that were made. The kids on Friday nights just completed the entire book of Genesis, and will be moving onto Exodus next. If you see a map in the background, that is the book of Genesis cartoonized in a map. They follow that map on their weekly God adventure through the bible. Anyways, I asked if they needed any help, and they were just fine. What I felt from them was that a group of people took OWNERSHIP of this ministry. This is what I had been hoping for, and now it has become reality. It was no longer my vision, but it has become theirs. The same is happening in the toddler ministry as well. They are taking ownership of that ministry, and the toddlers are receiving great ministry. In fact, we'll be picking lessons for the next year out of the Light Church manual of World Revival Church. The teachers are so excited to use this material, and invest in the toddlers.
Just like Noah built the ark in advance for the rain, I believe that these ministries have been prepared for a coming harvest of people. I am so thankful to have someone like Pastor Marcin who has opted for 'world class' instead of 'popsicle stick religion.' These kids are having a blast on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. I love hearing all the testimonies from parents and teachers alike. It's not just the kids that are changing, but I'm seeing the teachers arise as well. To me that is the most rewarding thing, watching all of them rise up to the call. I believe God is preparing both kids and teachers for something greater. These kids will be in position not just to be receivers, but to be ministers themselves. I'm excited for what 2016 holds in store for them, and the new kids God is going to bring to our ministry!
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