Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lights, Camera, Action! Kids Arising!

This past weekend I had the priviledge of helping shoot some kid testimonies. God is really touching the lives of the children at Church of Glory Warsaw. I am amazed that just after half a year I'm seeing so much change in their lives. Some of these kids are becoming speakers for God at school, and really being the 'light of the world.' One girl was helping comfort one of her classmates who had gotten her feelings hurt. She told her friend, " don't speak out those words (I am nothing, I will not manage to do this performance in a expected way), because words are powerfull - just stop crying, it won't help you anyway!" The advice was godly, and timely. I'm so proud of her for not backing down. I have seen this girl really change, and come to life at church. When I first met her she was very shy, and withdrawn. Now she is one of the strongest kids in our children's ministry. Her and her siblings (who are all attending the children's ministries of Church of Glory) are all changing. Her little brother, who is 5 years old, is a little 'Noah' at his school. He is always reaching out, and standing up for what is right. I love seeing the fruit of what was sown, and what has been established this year. So now, it's lights, camera, action for the kids in Warsaw. No one can deny the testimony of child, because of their innocence. All of these kids had fantastic testimonies of what they are doing with the teachings they receive at Church of Glory. It's incredible to see how some are helping friends with words of life, and some are even seeing prayer breakthroughs. 
Also, I need to brag on our children's workers. I walked into the Club Adventure room to give the book of Genesis awards that were made. The kids on Friday nights just completed the entire book of Genesis, and will be moving onto Exodus next. If you see a map in the background, that is the book of Genesis cartoonized in a map. They follow that map on their weekly God adventure through the bible. Anyways, I asked if they needed any help, and they were just fine. What I felt from them was that a group of people took OWNERSHIP of this ministry. This is what I had been hoping for, and now it has become reality. It was no longer my vision, but it has become theirs. The same is happening in the toddler ministry as well. They are taking ownership of that ministry, and the toddlers are receiving great ministry. In fact, we'll be picking lessons for the next year out of the Light Church manual of World Revival Church. The teachers are so excited to use this material, and invest in the toddlers.

Just like Noah built the ark in advance for the rain, I believe that these ministries have been prepared for a coming harvest of people. I am so thankful to have someone like Pastor Marcin who has opted for 'world class' instead of 'popsicle stick religion.' These kids are having a blast on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. I love hearing all the testimonies from parents and teachers alike. It's not just the kids that are changing, but I'm seeing the teachers arise as well. To me that is the most rewarding thing, watching all of them rise up to the call. I believe God is preparing both kids and teachers for something greater. These kids will be in position not just to be receivers, but to be ministers themselves. I'm excited for what 2016 holds in store for them, and the new kids God is going to bring to our ministry!

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