Thursday, January 7, 2016

KC Bound

I hope everyone who reads this had a great Christmas and New Years with your family and loved ones. I celebrated my one year mark in Poland on December 23rd, 2015. It was so incredible for me to see what was accomplished in 2015. I simply responded to the Holy Spirit's intense call to return to Poland, and it was the best decision. I remained in the center of God's will all year long, and ended the year very thankful. I came to this incredible nation not really knowing the language, the culture, the history, or the condition of the church. Each month I was thrown into the faith corner with God, and lived by pure grace. Many if not all the opportunities I was given, were things in which I was not experienced. I had received amazing training, was full of teachings, and had my beliefs on how things should go. Here I am, a single woman from Missouri, simply depending on God. I didn't have time to back out or back down, I just had to step out there, and trust that God was more than enough for me. Each time, no matter how big the challenge was, God faithfully backed me up. In the storm and the trial, I was never truly alone, because He was with me. When enemies against revival would arise, God was right there to terrify them. I was here to take the land for God, and my ships were burnt on the shore.

Really all I did was continue to live the standard I had been living in Kansas City, and allow God to stretch me. Of course I made some mistakes along the way, but I kept going. I persevered, and through the hard times God was making me whole in my character. I know that this life is a life anyone can live, if they are willing to set themselves apart, and walk by faith. I am amazed at the lives that were touched and changed. I saw God move on hungry and desperate Poles, who just wanted to have a real encounter with a real God. I saw the standard at the Cieszyn church continue to rise, and watched as God's presence increased weekly. Even recently I visited their church for Christmas, and I was so proud of them. They have taken ownership of creating a place where God is King, and the standard is set high. Their worship is so powerful, and they have arisen in 2015. The same thing has been happening here in Warsaw as well. The standard was definitely raised, and we experienced an increase of God in the services. I am still hearing reports of God coming down in the children's ministry, and how the adults are overwhelmed in a good way.

2016 already feels great, and we've only begun. I am pleased that in a presidential election year, hope is in air! I do agree that this will be a year of new beginnings for many people, and that should give people a lot of strength. I believe this is the year of miracles, and anything could happen. I believe in miracles, just like the late Katherine Kuhlman. I believe that is it time for some things in our lives to just break open, and change. Remember, hope changes everything, and we serve a God where nothing is impossible. There are a lot of people who need to hear a message like that this year. Just because it was like that in 2015, doesn't mean that's the way it's going to be in 2016! It's time to aim our faith for what is right, and for us to position ourselves for something good.

Next week I get the privilege and honor to hop on a plane, and fly to Kansas City, MO! I'm really excited to see all my loved ones in Kansas City, and get all caught up. I got an extra week before the Arise Women's conference, and I will be looking forward to a great time. I fly back to Warsaw on Sunday, January 31st, and already I have some opportunities waiting for me when I get back. I'll be taking two days off, and then traveling down to Wisła for a youth camp. In addition, I'll be visiting another place to do some children's ministry training. So it will be great to be back in the States, eat some American food, and stand among friends. So this American missionary girl is KC bound starting next week, and I fully expect it to be a great time!


  1. I'm so excited to see you and hear you speak!

  2. Thanks so much Karen! I'm really looking forward to seeing you, and spending time with you!!
