This is my blog, personal story, online journal of my adventure to Poland. Stay caught up with the latest news, testimonies, pictures, and more! I'll be posting up to date information on what God is doing through me, and through those I'm with! It's time for Poland and its people to arise in God, and everything He has planned for them. There's no better time to arise than now!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Is it really October? Naprawdę?
I can't believe it's October already! I tried getting a pumpkin spice latte at Costa Coffee in Warsaw, and it took three people to understand what I wanted. Pumpkin? Pumpkin spice? "No worries...can I please just have a chai latte?" Nie ma problemu. So, I'm on the hunt for my favorite 'fall in a cup' drink. If I don't get one this year, I will live...I hope. I remember when I was in college, and getting a pumpkin spice latte was a big deal to me. That meant escaping from homework to Starbucks. Oh being an American missionary! I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to celebrate my first Thanksgiving outside of the U.S. That's another blog for another day. Speaking of being an American, I was at another Costa Coffee in Old Town, and I bumped into three Americans. I can tell the Polish people were rubbing off on me, because I noticed how 'American' they were. We were complete strangers, and I was just trying to let them know where the bathroom was. That was me being a polite American. Of course when they found out I was American, it was like we were long lost relatives. We talked and gabbed over American things, and why we were in Warsaw. I'm pretty sure we were the loudest and most friendliest people in the cafe. Nie ma problemu! It was free entertainment, it was good to speak 'American,' and it was fun to notice the differences in culture.
This past week or so I've been busy tightening things up in the children's ministry, as well as creating some new things. I had a chance to observe both the toddler (Explorers) ministry, and our two children's ministries (Club Adventure and Kids in Action). I was very pleased to see how these teachers grabbed hold of the vision, and made it their own. Pastor Marcin and I desire to take the children to a deeper level in God. So we came up with the idea to have pre-service prayer for our kids. They will meet in their room, and they will be responsible for praying each Sunday morning. They did a fantastic job this past Sunday, and are building 'spiritual muscles.' The idea is to get the kids comfortable praying as a group, in front of each other, and praying with power. We are hoping to use the kids in one of the regular services to minister. This would be a first for this group, and I feel in a few months they will be able to do this. I saw the kids of World Revival Church pray for adults with power, so I am confident we can duplicate this here in Warsaw.
Already I see good changes in their lives, and now it's time to take it to a new level. My next plan of action is to get them to start taking the offering in Kids in Action. The point of Kids in Action is to raise them up to do the works of the ministry. I want them to have a lot of training, and exposure to moving in the things of God. I'm a firm believer that the more we give our kids opportunities to minister, they will want to be at church. They will feel that they have a purpose, because they do. They are participants in the movement of the Holy Spirit, and play a huge role. For these kids, it's just a matter of building their spiritual muscles at home and at church. If we can give them more of God, they can be used as kids to do great things.
A new and fun development, I am working with team to start a young adult group. Our first meeting is this Saturday, and our goal is to bring strength to the 20's and 30's age bracket. I know from personal experience how the young adults of World Revival Church helped carry revival to the nations. We were trained in advance, and God did use us. When revival broke out in 2008, we were on the spot ready to go. We ran cameras, greeted, ushered, responded, and gave all that we were. Again, Pastor Marcin and I collaborated on developing a young adult ministry. It will be led by four people, including myself. Each of us will lead a service, take offering, and help pray. I feel that just as the kids are going to go to a deeper level, our young adults are going in the same direction. God is preparing this church for revival, and is getting things prepared in advance.
Finally, I think it's time to officially announce this. I will be hosting an internet TV program, much like Sid Roth's program. I'll be interviewing ministry leaders, and focusing on certain topics per show. We start filming this month, and the shows will be released in the following months. I'm thankful for the camera experience I had, and working on the Steve and Kathy Show. Looks like I was getting set up for this opportunity, and didn't even know it! Can I say that I have 0 experience being a TV show host, but I'm willing to do it. Pure grace! So I'm really excited for this experience, and that will make October even more of a faith adventure. I'll have more information on the TV program in the next few blogs, and how that is developing. For right now, we're getting the studio finished, and I'll practice a dry run tomorrow (October 2nd).
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I'm so excited for the TV program - it will be great!