The Conference
The conference was at the same location where Pastor Steve and Kathy Gray first came to Poland. There were three sessions, and the conference was an evangelistic crusade. Dr. Peter Gammon's, who was just in Warsaw this past March, was the main speaker. Dr. Peter Gammon's has been in the ministry for over 40 years, and has ministered to millions. His simple message of good news, mixed with the demonstration of the Holy Spirit, touched many lives. There was a girl in her early 20's who was working at the event location. She was hired to work for the building, not for the event. I happened to walk past her, and she was obviously being touched by God. It was the part of the service where Dr. Gammon's was praying for miracles. People who were deaf were hearing, legs were growing out, and people lined up to receive a healing touch. Something drew me to her, and I just struck up a conversation. She had given her life to Jesus for the first time, and had tears in eyes. She had never heard the gospel like this before, and was very touched by God. In addition to this, there was a huge line of people who gave their lives to Jesus for the first time. I even had a friend come to the evening service, that I had been giving English lessons to. So it was a great day to be doing things for God.
In addition to all this, we recorded four songs in English on video. It was so much fun, and there was a great blast of freedom. I got to sing with Pastor Ula and the worship team, and we just had fun. The fun we had been having in practices, came out there in the room, and enveloped the crowd. Most people understand bits of English or speak it fluently. So we all just jammed, and praised God. It was a great way to end the night.
The rest of the weekend was so powerful with my friend Pastor Nobin Samson taking the Sunday morning service, and preaching with power! He called up people who needed to be set free from fear, and the alter swelled. I know that Poles deal with fear and rejection very deeply. It has a lot to do with their history of being so brutally defeated by the Nazi's and the Russians. There's almost a second-class citizen mentality or victim mentality on some people. It hurts my heart to see this, but gives me extreme joy to watch them get free.
TV Show???? Where did that come from?
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Dr. Peter Gammon's and I on the set of "Voice for Europe." |
Back in June I shared how God gave me another dream come true, my trip to London, England. To those who've known me over the years, besides a trip to Paris, London was tied in my heart as a dream vacation. Now God has granted to me another heart dream, one I didn't have to chase after. Ever since I was very little, I always dreamed about being on TV or having my own show. My friends and I would pretend, dance, and wish we could be on TV. Hey growing up and watching Kids Incorporated, Mickey Mouse Club, and Nickelodeon probably had a lot to do with that dream. I would see ordinary kids get to be on TV, and it was so cool to me. My mom emailed me this week, and said she remembered when I was pretending to be a news reporter. Do some of you remember when camcorders just came out, and how big they were? Well, my dad had borrowed one just after my sister Jessica was born. He brought that thing out into the backyard, and was filming my sister Michelle and I; we were such hams!!! I grabbed the end of the dog leash, and proceeded to interview right there in the backyard. So, deep in my heart, I've waited for this opportunity probably since Back to the Future came out! This was a deep dream in my heart, one that I don't recall really sharing with many people. Psalms 37:4 states:
Since July, I've been praying and preparing with Pastor Marcin for this moment. We knew that it would be in October when we would film, and we also had guests to interview. I would email Pastor Marcin with ideas, we would work with Pastor Janusz to get things done, and then I would email some more. Just a few weeks ago, I was in Ikea at least 5 times in one week, and various other shops being a mini version of Christine Nelson. I helped develop the set design, and had the best people to work with. Then we picked people to run cameras, assist for the day of filming, do a test run, and Pastor Marcin gave his ideas as to what questions to ask. Monday rolled around, and we filmed three shows back to back.
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On set with Pastor David Themba Ndlovu |
"The Voice for Europe" is the name of the program, and it is geared to Europeans. It is formatted similar to Sid Roth's program, "It's Supernatural." I'll be interviewing ministry leaders, and those who are being a voice in Europe. We are also interested in doing testimonies of regular people who are experiencing God activity in their lives. I believe God is raising up this program to open the hearts of people in Europe. That the testimonies from these leaders will call some into the ministry, and strengthen many. There is a great need for strong pastors and leaders in the church here. There are people getting saved at crusades, but the churches are in need of help. What Europe desperately needs though is a powerful revival. It needs to be awakened from sleeping in the light, and to be set free from the clutches of religion that doesn't work. I believe that this show will help awaken many, and prepare people for the next move of God. For now the show will be internet based, until bigger doors open to us. Please pray that TV networks would pick this up, and broadcast it. Once the show is ready to be published, I'll make an announcement so that those who follow the blog can watch. Thankfully the show can be watched internationally, and enjoyed by all.
*I wanted to give special thanks to Pastors Marcin and Ula for their heart and vision for this show. Also to those who worked with me over the past few weeks, I am so grateful for all you did. Thanks also to the camera team, makeup artist Pitor Matan, and those who helped me shop all over Warsaw*
Yes, Poland needs to get free from the "second class mentality" as no one deserves that. Poland Arise!