I can't believe it's almost Valentines Day, and I have been in Poland since Christmas. Time is flying, and there is still so much to do. My catch phrase in Poland has been "no rest," and that is the truth. I must confess though that this is a labor of love, and I am so thankful that I'm here. The people in Poland go well beyond to take good care of their guests, and have such a hospitable spirit. Poland is an untapped treasure, and its people are precious. I'm so grateful for both of the churches that I'm a part of, because they treat me better than I deserve.
This week I was busy working with a great friend, translating songs from English to Polish, and getting the worship book system perfected. Apparently I'm in a songwriting mode all over again, because Wednesday night we ended up writing a new song [Come Right Now]. I think by the time Christmas of 2015 hits, we'll have an album ready for the holidays! I also got to raise up a youth girl to do the worship books after the services, and she has been a great person for the job. So things are not only progressing spiritually, but practically. God is really taking this church in Ciesyzn up to a new level, and the people have such a right attitude.
In March, I'll head up to Warsaw for a few days for their women's conference. Pastor Ula, Pastor Agnieszka Onyszcz, and Marta Worbel are the main speakers. I will also be speaking, and that is an amazing honor. Compared to where I've come from, this is more than a dream come true. I remember Pastor Steve saying multiple times, "How about you stay faithful working with kids (or some other ministry), and there will be a day when you'll be trusted with a microphone. I was actually working in Firehouse all those times he ever said that. You know what, he was right! I listened with faith, and stuck to the plan. Everything I learned at the World Revival School of Ministry, the World Revival Network meetings, conferences, and weekly revival meetings are paying off. I have such a wealth of the goodness of God stored up inside of me, and that would never have happened if I had cheapened my commitment to God along the way. So now God has a clay pot, full of his revival treasures that He can share with these people.
Then after the conference, I'll be speaking at their school of ministry about kids and youth. I think I have enough Firehouse stories and experiences to get me through. Ha! Then right after Easter, I'll head back to Warsaw for two months. It is pretty exciting to get an opportunity to live in this city. If you have never researched Warsaw, I would highly advise it. It is rich in history, art, music, and is the poster child for the word ARISE. This is a city that has literally arisen from the ash and rubble, and is one of the most progressive cities on the European map. Being in Warsaw I'm reminded, 'This isn't the history channel...I'm standing on history!' Warsaw to me is the heart of this nation, and if the capital arises...the nation arises with it. Now it is time for the church in Poland to arise, and Pastor Marcin's group is definitely leading the charge!
While in Warsaw, I'll be working with Pastor Marcin's children ministry, and their school of ministry. Plus, if they need anything else, I want to be available! They have a neat group of young adults and youth that go into the heart of city for outreach. I enjoyed it so much during my last visit, and am hoping to join them once again! So lots of work, and activity ahead. It is going to be stretching, radical, and life changing. By the time I'm finished in Warsaw, it will be June, and I would have been in Poland for six months! Wow! Time flies when you're having fun working hard for God.
I wanted to thank those of you who are keeping up with the blog, and for those of you who are praying for Poland! It means a great deal to me, and I feel your support here in Poland. Prayer has especially been the turning point for what God is doing in this nation. I can tell people are praying, because I'm seeing the results. I know that I'm only one person, and a job this size takes a lot of people. So even if you can't come to Poland, your prayers are making an impact on real lives. I would like to encourage you to continue to pray for the Churches in Poland; that revival would come to this nation. It is right for people to have a chance at the presence of God, especially those here in this nation. Below, I've put some prayer points for February!
February Prayer Points
- God send spiritual rain on this nation. Soften the ground, & open the heavens
- LORD Arise! Bring justice for the people
- Give Mary favor with leaders and open doors
- Let the people arise to their spiritual positions
- Prosper this nation
- Unity in the churches of Poland
Also, if you would like to be a part of my monthly prayer newsletter, please email me at:
Revival_revolutionary@yahoo.com. You will be contacted via email once a month with exciting updates, testimonies, and answers to prayer.
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